When you need to move large amounts of loose material, such as gravel, sand, or debris, there’s no tool more useful than a dump trailer. These machines are a big investment, so it’s important you get the one that best fits your needs!  


Dump trailers can be anywhere from 8 to 30 feet long, though they’re most often around 14, which tends to balance capacity and maneuverability. To choose a size that is right for you, consider how much material you need to move—this will help determine the minimum size, since you don’t want too many trips. Next, determine how large a trailer you can handle towing, based on both your tow vehicle’s capacity and your comfort level. 

Lifting Features

Dump trailer lift mechanisms come in a few varieties, including:

  • Dual-piston: Two pistons push the trailer’s front up
  • Telescopic hydraulic lift: One cylinder lifts the trailer’s front
  • Scissor lift: Uses one cylinder in a more stable configuration, even with uneven loads

It’s important to research these features before you commit to purchasing one – that way you can be certain that you are getting the right features for the job you perform.

End Dump vs. Side Dump

There are essentially two different types of dump trailers. First, there’s the end dump. The end dump is what you might envision a traditional dump trailer to look like. The front of the bed – closest to the cab of the truck – is lifted directly up into the air and material tumbles out the back. These are certainly more commonplace and can fit into narrow city streets much more easily. However, they can be a little less stable, and they dump all the material in one spot. 

Side dumps tip their bed to the side so all the material falls out next to the trailer. These can make it easier to spread material over more ground space, especially if you need to make rows like in a crop field. However, they do require more space to work, so if you’re pressed for usable surface area, these might not work as well. You’ll want to consider where you’re working and what’s going to make your projects easier to tackle when you’re considering which option you choose.

Whatever type of equipment you decide to purchase, you can find a quality dump trailer at APC Trailers in Tucson, Arizona. We proudly serve those in Casa Grande and surrounding areas.