While you may not realize it, cleaning your truck bed is an important part of your vehicle’s maintenance. Without the proper care, it’s possible for your bed to build up muck and grime that will eventually rust and corrode the steel and metal elements of your bed. To avoid this, read our helpful cleaning and washing guide below.

Getting Started

Trucks tend to accumulate a lot of dirt and debris, and you’ll need to grab your broom to give your truck’s bed a hearty sweep before you bust out the hose and scrub brush. Once the bed is swept, you’ll want to follow up with your hose to help remove smaller particles of dust and dirt that are hiding in various crevices. If your bed has collapsible walls or a tailgate, now is a good time to lower them.

Washing Your Truck Bed

Once your tailgate is lowered and everything has been rinsed, you’ll want to grab a tough scrub brush and some automotive soap to wash your bed. Be sure to use your brush to remove any stuck-on mud or materials before once again rinsing everything down. Afterward, you can let your bed dry out in the sun. However, before you put away your tools, we encourage you to double-check your truck for any signs of rust or corrosion. If you see rust beginning to appear on your truck bed, it’s wise to try and quickly treat it with a chemical remover, sandpaper, or a wire scrub brush. However, if the bed has become corroded, you may need to visit your nearest repair center to have it patched and repaired.

Has corrosion seriously damaged your truck bed? Then we encourage you to visit our helpful service center here in Tucson, Arizona. Our expert technicians will be happy to help you get your truck back in great shape by removing rust, patching holes, and reapplying helpful sealants and protectants to your finish. If you’re located nearby in Phoenix or Casa Grande, Arizona, we hope to see you here soon at APC Trailers.