Trucks of all shapes and sizes have become common tools for any number of industries, from shipping to utility and beyond. They’re even useful for recreation and just plain old commuting—but if you need more than just a means of transportation, you need the right truck bed. We here at APC Trailers know finding the perfect fit isn’t always easy, so we’ve put together some tips for finding the right truck bed, below. To learn more, or to see the truck beds we have for sale, contact our store in Tucson, Arizona, today!


First, think about what material you want your truck bed to be made of. Typically your options are either steel or aluminum, both of which have their own advantages. Steel beds are tough, durable, and less likely to get damaged. However, they’re much heavier, which can impact your fuel economy and lower the amount of weight your truck can carry. They can also rust if you’re not cautious, even in the Arizona heat.

Aluminum beds can be up to 40% lighter than steel options, and they’re rust-proof and corrosion-resistant. Unfortunately, though aluminum alloys have come a long way, they’re still not as durable as steel options.

Your Needs vs. Your Budget

Like with any big purchase, it’s vital to have a firm budget in mind before you start shopping around. That way you won’t end up falling for a truck bed that you can’t afford. That said, you still need to find a bed that totally fits your needs if it’s going to be worth buying at all. Finding a balance between your budget and your needs can be difficult, but it’s possible.

Prioritize the features and options that you require the most, as well as which will most impact how useful the truck bed is to you and the jobs you need to perform with it. Try to find an option with as many of the high-priority items on the resulting list as possible without spending more money than you can absolutely afford. Used options and financing can help you stretch that budget if things still seem tight.


Finally, no matter what your final find costs and no matter what it’s made of, you’re going to want to protect your investment however you can. A bed liner is a good start—even a piece of fitted plywood can help protect the bed from the elements or from being strained and damaged by cargo. Anything to keep you from putting the bed through more trials than it absolutely needs to.

Ready to find the perfect fit? Contact us at APC Trailers for more information, or to see the truck beds we have in stock. We proudly serve the people of Phoenix and Casa Grande, Arizona—let us serve you today!